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Networking For Introverts
Team gathering

Networking For Introverts

If the thought of attending a networking event gives you the shivers, help is at hand. As a self-confessed introvert, Juliette Welch shares some tips that changed her attitude and approach when faced with a room full of strangers.


Conducting Chaos: Leadership In Disruptive Times
Man in concert hall

Conducting Chaos: Leadership In Disruptive Times

We live in a world of disruption; predicting the future will be harder than ever, planning for it will be near on impossible. So how can leaders adapt?

Personal Impact

Managing hybrid teams
Team in action

Managing hybrid teams

The pandemic has demanded an acceleration in the change of management practices, particularly now teams are increasingly not in the same place.


Does it matter if your business culture is toxic?
business people standing near table and having discussion in office

Does it matter if your business culture is toxic?

As Mr Bezos heads into space he leaves behind a company whose commercial success is not seriously in doubt. When Amazon’s founder stares at the earth rotating below, you can understand why he might have little patience with criticism about his company’s culture. Yet for all its triumphs, Amazon has workers complaining about everything fromContinue reading "Does it matter if your business culture is toxic?"


Story & Certainty
selective focus of multicultural friends smiling and talking in apartment

Story & Certainty

The neurologist Robert Burton argues persuasively that the feeling of being certain is just that – a feeling or sensation – and is produced by unconscious brain mechanisms, similar to the way the feeling of thirst is produced by unconscious physiological mechanisms. This partly explains the a-ha moment, when we suddenly realise something and move from aContinue reading "Story & Certainty"


Making sense of corporate ethical responsibility
Four unrecognizable diverse women holding to each other

Making sense of corporate ethical responsibility

So, what exactly is Corporate Ethical Responsibility? Depending on who you ask, this all-encompassing term comes with various meanings. For example, the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) regards it as: “the impact an organisation makes on society, the environment and the economy.” Driven by accountants and managers, a rather narrower view defines it as:Continue reading "Making sense of corporate ethical responsibility"


Charisma vs Character
Happy entrepreneur standing proud next to the team of coworkers

Charisma vs Character

The term ‘charisma’ is free of moral value. The Obamas had it, as did Trump; we are yet to see if Biden possesses any. Bin Laden had a little apparently, and Joan of Arc was rumoured to exude it. Boris occasionally seems to have some, Blair did as well, but neither had as much asContinue reading "Charisma vs Character"


Is the digital workplace more human or less?
Man working at home

Is the digital workplace more human or less?

When the pandemic hit, organisations and individuals adapted extraordinarily quickly to the change in working habits, the shutting down of offices and the opening of laptops on the kitchen table. Since then we have been in a quasi-experiment about remote working v office working v blended working. Suddenly millions of people were bounced into workingContinue reading "Is the digital workplace more human or less?"
